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Silver Star Provincial Park

Kelowna, British Columbia, 2024

Call me Hank

Allow me to introduce myself. I am an animator. I am a graphic designer. I am an illustrator. I am a motion designer. I am a visual communicator. But most importantly, I am a professional. It is my dream to use my skills to contribute to the creative industry in any manner that is possible.

Nothing feels better than jamming on my guitar after a long day of work. I also enjoy breaking a sweat at the gym and hopping on the mat for a yoga class every now and then. I have many hobbies and a key among them is traveling. I love to travel and thought I'd try something new for this page. I'm going to tell you my story and accompany my words with photos from my travels. I hope you enjoy.

Taj Mahal

Agra, India, 2022


Papakolea Green Sand Beach

Kona, Hawai'i, 2023

My Education

I was born and raised in Louisiana. I've been drawing for my entire life.


 I enrolled in the School of Architecture at L.S.U. after graduating high school in 2009. After much consideration, I decided to drop out and pursue a career in the Animation Industry. I graduated from the Savannah College of Art and Design in 2015 with a Bachelor's of Fine Arts in Animation and a Minor in Motion Media. 


My time at school broadened my perspective of the world.

Sunflower Farm

Thrace Region, Turkiye, 2021


Halifax Public Librarie

Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 2017

Life in Halifax

My animation career began shortly after graduation. My first studio job brought me to Halifax, Nova Scotia. I worked with a team of 50 animators. It was the biggest production crew I've ever been apart of to this day.


Canada was special. I ingratiated myself in the culture. I hung out in dive bars, skinny dipped in crystal blue lakes, and shared drinks with locals at "blizzard parties."


I still kind of miss it.

Amsterdam Centrum

Netherlands, 2022



I left Canada and eventually found myself on the West Coast. I lived in Los Angeles for many years as I continued to work in the animation industry. 


My career flourished. I enjoyed the benefits of being surrounded by more experienced and talented people.


I must admit that I heavily indulged in the California lifestyle. I loved being able to drive down the Pacific Highway with the windows down. The smell of the salt spray from the shimmering ocean is a profound memory I never want to forget.

Saguaro National Park

Tucson, Arizona, 2022

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Life After 2020

The pandemic has really shaken up the animation industry in my personal opinion. Most of my work is done remotely, especially after leaving California. I live in Houston, now.

If you want to get to know me a little more, feel free to follow me on social media. I'm always posting rough animation and music.

Griffith Park

Los Angeles, California, 2024


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